FSC® Certification
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international, non-governmental organisation founded in 1993 to promote responsible use of the world's forest and to establish a trustworthy wood labelling scheme. There are national working groups of the FSC in 28 countries including the U.K.
Forests are inspected by the FSC against strict standards of stewardship. The FSC system is unique and it ensures that a forest is well managed, from the protection of indigenous peoples' rights to the methods of felling trees. A forest meeting their standards is given FSC certification.
The timber is then tracked- the FSC call this their 'Chain of Custody' - through invoicing to end-user. For the paper industry, this mean that an FSC certified product, like Concord Display Board, must be made using FSC certified pulp from an FSC certified forest. The responsibility is shared and passed down the line of production to arrive in our customers' hands, proudly bearing the FSC label.
Products such as Concord Display Board are now available as FSC certified products. Nothing has changed; the quality is still fantastic and the price is as competitive as ever. The only difference is an ongoing commitment to environmentally responsible production.
For more information please click on the following link www.fsc.org
Chain of custody for FSC
From 22nd September 2008 we became FSC Chain of Custody Certified
Our FSC Chain of Custody Registration Number is TT-COC-002800
PEFC Certification
The PEFC Council is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organisation, founded in 1999 which promotes sustainably managed forests through independent third party certification. The PEFC provides an assurance mechanism to purchasers of wood and paper products that they are promoting the sustainable management of forests.
PEFC is a global umbrella organisation for the assessment of and mutual recognition of national forest certification schemes developed in a multi-stakeholder process. These national schemes build upon the inter-governmental processes for the promotion of sustainable forest management, a series of on-going mechanisms supported by 149 governments in the world covering 85% of the world's forest area.
Their website is managed by the United Kingdom national scheme. It is designed to support and aid all the activities of PEFC UK.
PEFC has in its membership 32 independent national forest certification systems of which 25 to date have been through a rigorous assessment process involving public consultation and the use of independent consultants to provide the assessments on which mutual recognition decisions are taken by the membership.
Some 30 schemes account for nearly 200 million hectares of certified forests producing millions of tonnes of certified timber to the market place making PEFC the world's largest resource of certified timber. The other national members schemes are at various stages of development and are working towards mutual recognition under the PEFC processes.
For more information please click on the following link www.pefc.org
Chain of Custody for PEFC
From 20th January 2015 we became PEFC Chain of Custody Certified
Our PEFC Chain of Custody Registration Number is BMT-PEFC-COC-1391
Out trademark licence number is PEFC/16-33-1832
UK Timber Regulations
Declaration of Compliance with the UK Timber Regulations
From the 31st January 2021 the EU Timber Regulations (EUTR) will become UK domestic legislation (UKTR) and aims to continue to stop the supply of illegal timber into the UK.
This regulation outlines the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products into the UK market and works to prohibit any illegally harvested timber and timber products through the three following obligations:
- It prohibits the placing on the UK market for the first time illegally harvested timber and timber products derived from such timber
- It requires UK traders who place timber products onto the UK market (referred to as operators) to exercise due diligence in the sourcing of timber products.
- Ensure the operators keep records of their suppliers and customers as once on the market, the timber and timber products may be sold on and/or transformed before they reach the final consumer. This facilitates the traceability of timber products.
The Core of the due diligence term is that operators undertake a risk management exercise to minimise the risk of illegally harvested timber or timber products onto the UK market.
The key elements of the due diligence system are:
- Information - the operator must have access to information describing the timber and timber products, country of harvest, and details of the supplier and any relevant information regarding compliance with national legislation.
- Risk assessment, the operator should assess the risk of illegal timber in their supply chain based on the criteria mentioned above and any other relevant information.
- Risk mitigation, when the assessment shows that there is a risk of illegal timber in the supply chain, that risk will be mitigated by requiring additional information and verification from the supplier before any subsequent supply begins.
PPB Limited only purchases timber based products from reputable suppliers and in the first instance from FSC certified businesses.
Simon Balderson
Head of Purchasing
Last revised January 2022.
Materials that meet current standards
To see which items meet FSC requirements please check our product range. All FSC products have FSC written in the product description.
For further information please contact our sales team.